This project addresses the issue of youth employability by closing the gap between education and skills required for APEC region employment. Currently, academia fails to keep abreast with trends of economic development and workplace demands, making this one of the most pressing agenda items across APEC economies. According to the World Bank, while global total labour force unemployment rate is 5.746%, youth unemployment rate is 13.553% (ages 15-24), approximately 2.5 times higher. As youth unemployment in the APEC region is slightly higher than the global rate, providing youth with more opportunities to integrate and apply their learning in industry workplaces would allow for more effective education-to-workforce transitions.
This project adopts a dual-track scheme, centering on the efficiency of regional integration and collaboration, building a seamless collaborative design to intensify the exchange of education and skills training across borders. Global and regional mobility is a critical competency in human capital development in the 21st century; this new model aims to promote mobilization of trained youth not only in their home economies but in the new economic context. This project actively consolidates education and skills training to match labour market demands, to provide all aspiring youth with access to quality jobs with promising prospects, while enhancing regional talent management and mobility. For instance, in the Chinese Taipei industry-academia TVTE (Technological and Vocational Education and Training) program, inbound APEC member economy students, recruited and admitted to partner colleges and universities in Chinese Taipei, are given robust vocational education and training in Chinese Taipei. These students will study in different colleges and universities in either bachelor-degree or short-term programs, with guaranteed internships during the program and full employment afterwards in companies in Chinese Taipei or their home economies. Long-term goals include promotion and implementation of regional industry-driven TVET programs to help build capacity and practical skills to meet industry needs, and to encourage more vibrant human capital development and economic prosperity throughout the region.
The current project, Skills Training in Industry-Academia Collaboration in CTE: Best practices and implementation in the engineering, hospitality and innovative entrepreneurship fields, is a follow-up project to the one completed in 2015, when APEC member economies were invited to come and discuss collaboration models in the fields of engineering, health care, and hospitality and tourism. By 2017, the first couple of Chinese Taipei student cohorts will have already graduated and been employed by partner companies, so delegates from APEC economies may compare the fruits of such collaborations through interaction with the industry and the students themselves. This workshop will be an opportunity for participating economies to discuss the effects of such partnerships and other models in vocational education which can be applied to CTE in each economy.
Some of the key objectives of the current project are as follows:
Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United States, Viet Nam